Sponsorship Levels
Multiple levels of General Sponsorship are available for your consideration - corporate commitments greater than $1,000 include complimentary individual memberships in ARDA.
Platinum Level
Platinum Sponsors provide $7,500 or more to the organization. Platinum level sponsorship offers the sponsoring company the highest level of visibility. As a Platinum sponsor, your company will have your logo and a company description along with a link to your company's web site. In addition, Platinum sponsors are prominently displayed on the home page of our web site along with a banner displaying your logo at all events during your sponsored year. Seven one-year individual memberships are also included for employees of companies that are Platinum Sponsors. Platinum level sponsors will also receive one complimentary registration for the Executive Forum, as well as an additional Executive Forum registration for every $2,500 donated above the $7,500 level.
Gold Level
Gold Sponsors provide $5,000 to the organization. Gold level sponsorship offers the sponsoring company a high level of visibility. As a gold sponsor, your company will have your logo and a company description. In addition, Gold sponsors are prominently displayed on the home page of our web site along with a banner displaying your logo at all events during your sponsored year. Sponsorship at this level includes one-year individual memberships for company employees at a rate of one membership per $1,000 donated.
Silver Level
Silver Sponsors provide $3,000 to the organization. Silver level sponsorship offers the sponsoring company a mid-level of visibility. As a silver sponsor, your company will have your logo listed on the sponsorship page of the ARDA website and a banner displaying your logo at all events during your sponsored year. Sponsorship at this level includes one-year individual memberships for company employees at a rate of one membership per $1,000 donated.
Bronze Level
Bronze Sponsors provide $1,000 to the organization. As a bronze sponsor, your company will have your logo listed on the sponsorship page of the ARDA website along with their company name displayed at all events during your sponsored year. Sponsorship at this level includes one-year individual memberships for company employees at a rate of one membership per $1,000 donated.
If you are interested in sponsoring, please contact ARDA at staff@amraildev.com.
Note: Contributions or gifts to ARDA are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes. However, they may be tax deductible under other provisions of the Internal Revenue Code.