Membership Application

Membership Options

Active Members
General state of dues-paying individuals involved in the organization. Membership requires the applicant to be a representative of a common carrier railroad in North America and engaged in Economic Development, Real Estate, Technology or Environmental activities of that carrier, or, to be a representative of a company who is professional responsibilities identify with railway development under one of the section headings (Economic Development, Real Estate, Technology or Environmental activities). Members receive a discount on the registration fee for the Annual Meeting.

Honorary Members 
Any member, if so elected by majority vote of the Executive Committee of the Association, as defined hereinafter, or any Past President, without such election, in recognition of distinguished service and contributions to the Association, shall become an honorary member of the Association. Such honorary members shall be entitled to all privileges of membership, including proceedings of the business sessions of the Association, except that of voting, without payment of dues.

Retired Members
Any member in good standing at the time of retirement from active employment may opt to become a retired member by making written application to the Executive Committee. By majority vote of the Executive Committee, the member shall become a retired member. Any retired member shall be entitled to all privileges of membership, including proceedings of the business sessions of the Association, except that of voting, without the payment of dues. 

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Membership Options